
安盛模具有限公司成立于2009年,公司成立之初,抓住中国汽车市场爆发式增长的机遇,以发动机周边产品、车灯、双色双料模等复杂模具在行业中脱颖而出 ,并成为马勒、贝洱、麦格纳、法雷奥、盖革等多家世界500强汽车零部件供应商,产品90%出口欧美国家,覆盖知名汽车品牌如宝马、奥迪、兰博基尼、劳斯莱斯等,在法国和美国设有工厂和技术服务中心。


        在竞争激烈的注塑模具行业,同质化的价格竞争层出不穷。 如何定位,决定了企业未来能走多远。

        安盛成立之初就瞄准了发动机周边产品的空白市场,专注于该领域模具的研发。 其总经理刘益环在法国模具企业拥有多年项目管理经验,曾担任法雷奥项目管理顾问。 他深知欧美一流汽车供应商的需求。 刘益环表示,发动机周边产品需要耐高温,使用尼龙加玻纤材料容易变形。 为了克服这个问题,安盛收集和分析变形产品的数据,并引入模具设计,尽可能降低产品变形的概率。

          率先从发动机周边的产品入手,这样安盛就开辟了这个市场的蓝海。 安盛现已成功完成进气歧管、风扇冷却系统、发动机空调系统、发动机减震器、双色灯及中控台结构件等多种复杂模具,拥有专利产品20余项,模具年产量300余套。


         Besides the products, ASM has also explored new competitiveness in the mold trial process. In most domestic mold enterprises, mold testing is not valued. They do not adopt the correct mold testing process. Usually, the traditional injection molding process sets injection molding parameters based on mold performance and product appearance, while the correct and scientific injection molding process is based on the correct and scientific injection molding process to test whether the mold performance can meet the tolerance dimension and appearance requirements of products. Liu Yihuan said: “the mold is for injection molding. We hope to provide customers with unique value. We will constantly optimize the mold in the process, find the most efficient and stable injection molding parameters through scientific injection molding process, and match the injection molding machines of different brands of customers through mold locking and injection pressure conversion of different machines.”

 从试模过程中可以看出,安盛既懂注塑机技术,也懂模具。 看到注塑成型的未来趋势,安盛采购了伊之密二板注塑机UN1200D1。


For ASM, the basic configuration of D1 two plate machine can meet the needs of molding complex products, and has produced BMW fan bracket, Rolls Royce lamp, BMW engine intake manifold, Bosch toolbox and other products. However, ASM pays more attention to the advanced functions such as low-pressure injection and precision mold opening of D1 two board machine, as well as intelligent computer system, which can be externally connected with new technologies, such as micro foaming technology.

“We are very interested in applying these technologies, which is what we need.” Liu Yihuan frankly said that with the increasing competitive pressure in the industry, the new technology of two plate can help ASM’s products realize more possibilities, “This is the trend of the injection molding industry. European customers have come to us to discuss foam molds. If  we can’t adopt these technologies ,it will be adopted by others. ASM should plan ahead.”


今天的优势将被明天的趋势所取代。 正是这种危机感,促使安盛选择与伊之密合作。 值得一提的是,由于兰博基尼双色车灯项目,安盛近期与伊之密联合研发双射转盘,实现两个注塑平台与D1两版机上双射转盘的联动。 这不是安盛与伊之密的第一次开发合作。 2016年K展上,伊之密为安盛的双色(双射)车载中控台研发了V型微辐射平台。 刘益环说:“伊之密的团队非常敬业。 期待双方未来在微发泡、产品细分领域开展更深入的合作。”